The Nullary() Group’s design philosophy is based on our belief that sensitive designers, armed with the right tools, can offer high-quality improvements to every facet of the built environment.



Schematic Design (SD) features a thorough list of project objectives, careful measure the affected spaces, base plans, options are studied in 2D and 3D, and initial arrangements can be presented in measured drawings, physical models, or virtual reality models.



Design Development (DD) is a phase dedicated to the refinement and revisions of the SD arrangements with deeper project detail. Once the owner selects a design direction in SD, The Nullary() Group staff adds detail and incorporates requested changes. These are then reviewed in-person, and an initial cost estimate is generated from the DD data.



Construction Documents (CD) is a phase to implement design decisions. Once preliminary pricing is received, the owner may wish to adjust the project scope to satisfy budget and time constraints. Those changes are incorporated and the final design is detailed. Our designers will develop construction documents in accordance with the building codes and zoning ordinances having jurisdiction.



In Construction Administration (CA), our firm can act as the owner’s advocate by answering contractor questions, interpreting the construction documents, and assisting with final product, material, and color selections.